Inspection of data at City Hall, 216 4th St N is free
This government entity charges members of the public for copies or electronic transmittals of government data. These charges are authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.03, Subd. 3.
Note: You must pay for the pages (copies or electronic transmittals) before we will provide them to you.
For 100 or fewer pages:
Electronically Stored Data (pdf) Copies, 100 or fewer pages of letter or legal size = Actual Cost (minimum rate is $30/hr)
25ยข per side for black and white hard copy pages of letter or legal size
Color or print hard copy pages per side
$2.00 for 1-5 pages letter size
$1.75 for 6-50 pages letter size
$2.50 for 1-5 pages legal size
$2.25 for 6-50 pages legal size
$3.00 for 1-5 pages tabloid size (11x17)
$2.75 for 6-50 pages tabloid size (11x17)
More than 100 pages or other types of copies: Actual cost and may require a $300 Data Practices Research Deposit
The charge for most other types of copies, when a charge is not set by statute or rule, is the actual cost of searching for and retrieving the data, and making the copies or electronically transmitting the data (e.g. sending the data by email or via Dropbox or similar program).
In determining the actual cost of making copies, we factor in employee time, the cost of the materials onto which we are copying the data (paper, CD, DVD, Flash Drive, etc.), and mailing costs (if any). If your request is for copies of data that we cannot reproduce ourselves, such as photographs, we will charge you the actual cost we must pay an outside vendor for the copies.
The cost of employee time to search for data, retrieve data, and make copies is the current year Administration Secretary hourly rate. If, because of the subject matter of your request, we find it necessary for a higher-paid employee to search for and retrieve the data, we will calculate the search and retrieval portion at their rate.
Data on CD/DVD/Flash Drive: $15.00
Sometimes data is too large to email therefore it may need to be saved onto a CD/DVD/Flash Drive. Fees for the costs of pages and postage are separate.